Sunday, January 25, 2009

quiz - part 2.

Hello boys and girls,

This is the continuation of the previous test. First and highest scorer will get a prize. Even the first to send a reply too will get a prize. For the multiple choice question, write the question number and the full answer. for example for the question number 1, if your answer is a, then type a. the only star in our galaxy.

So be quick to reply. Send answers of part 2 only to my email and not geoblog. If you need clarifications, do call me.


1. The sun is
a. the only star in our galaxy.

b. just one of billions of stars that make up our galaxy.

c. the largest planet in our solar system.technically speaking,

d. one of Earth’s moons.

2. Which of these features makes the Earth unique among planets?

a. It is the only round planet.

b. It is the only planet with its own moon.

c. It is the only planet that has enough oxygen in its atmosphere to sustain life.

d. It is the only ringed planet.

3. Comets are icy masses of frozen gases and dust particles. What happens when a comet gets too close to the sun?

a. The gases catch fire, making the comet glow.

b. The ice begins to melt, leaving a trail of gases and debris.

c. The comet explodes, which is called a supernova.

d. The comet bounces off the sun’s magnetosphere.

4. What did 17th-century astronomer Edmund Halley notice about the comet later named after him?

a. The comet passed by the Earth on a predictable schedule.

b. The comet passed by the Earth at random intervals.

c. The comet passed by Earth only once in a million years.

d. The comet was on a collision course with Earth.

5. What is a meteorite?

a. a chunk of comet (rock) that survives our atmosphere and falls to Earth

b. a meteor that hasn't hit Earth yet

c. a piece of rock that is in orbit around the Earth

d. a radioactive moon rock

6. What is the central and largest body of our solar system?

a. Jupiter

b. the Milky Way

c. Earth

d. the sun

7. The fates of the sun and the Earth are linked. Which of the following explains why this statement is true?

a. Without the Earth in orbit, the sun would quickly burn up.

b. Without the heat and light from the sun, life on Earth will cease.

c. Without each other, they would both spin out of control.

d. Without the sun to cool things off, the interior of the Earth would burn up the planet.

8. Planets have elliptical orbits. This means that -

a. their orbits are perfectly round.

b. their orbits are in the shape of a figure eight.

c. at some point of its orbit, a planet is closer to the sun.

d.their orbits change direction from time to time.

9. We have a 24-hour day because that is -

a. the length of time it takes for the moon to travel around the Earth.

b. the length of time it takes the Earth to rotate once around its axis.

c. the length of time it takes the Earth to travel once around the sun.

d. the length of time it takes the sun to rotate once around its axis.

10. On Earth one year is -

a. the length of time for the moon to travel once around the Earth.

b. the length of time for the Earth to rotate once around its axis.

c. the length of time for the sun to travel once around the Earth.

d. the length of time for the Earth to travel once around the sun.

11. About how fast does the earth orbit around the Sun?

a. 300 m/sec (600 miles per hour)

b. 2 km/sec (4,000 miles per hour)

c. 10 km/ sec (20,000 miles per hour)

d. 30 km/sec ( 60,000 miles per hour)

12. How old is the Universe?

a. 15 Million Years

b. 150 Million Years

c. 4 Billion Years

d. 15 Billion Years

13. Besides ordinary matter, The Universe contains a lot of “dark matter” which is an unknown substance. What fraction of the mass of the Universe is ordinary matter, like hydrogen and helium?
a. 70 – 80%
b. 30 – 40%
c. 2 – 3%
d. 0 – 0.2%

14. Galaxies are built of many stars. How many stars are in a typical galaxy?
a. 10 Million
b. 1 Billion
c. 100 Billion
d. 100 Trillion

15. The expansion of The Universe was discovered by observing that all galaxies are moving away from us. Who made this discovery?

a. Albert Einstein
b. Fritz Zwicky
c. Edwin Hubble
d. Johannes Kepler


Anonymous said...

it was great to do it..............and their was some confusion too.......really i hv leart something..........from this

preethi said...

i am feeling great to work in this blog......i really enjoy helped me a lot to improve my knowledge.....i like to thank br who took great is one of the beautiful method which i have never seen till date.....